The rest of my Universe

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It was made..

Just not posted.  This is a quick update, as there will be another one shortly. 

Remember the little machines at the front of KMart that had "trinkets" in it? Remember those really hard to open plastic "eggs" of sorts they came in?

Well, take one of those, use a heated needle tip (Denim or Leather needle works best) to melt/penetrate holes into the top of this container, fill with fresh organic cat nip, and close.  Choose scrap yarn (as it doesn't need much) and crochet.

Viola.  My mother's cats ADORE them, most any cat that loves catnip will enjoy this. 

Apparently with the yarn I had left over, it was a "pineapple" motif, do kitties like pineapple?

For any of those that don't follow my facebook, I had issues after leaving work and ended up falling asleep while sitting for a moment.  Big mistake.  Needless to say, they were done just not photographed.  When I woke up around 9:30pm to move to bed, well, I was still half asleep. My apologies .. I am glad however, that I did get to craft.. as my trinket will make some feline friend a nice surprise!




  1. LOVE the pineapples! Perfect for fans of the show "Psych", too - they even have a "find the pineapple" game at

  2. Love them and they are adorable! Great job! and as you say: Squeeeee!!!!!

  3. The show "Psych" makes me laugh! And thank you both!! *beams*

    I love making them..I've made Strawberries and Sea Cucumbers hehe
