The rest of my Universe

Friday, January 7, 2011


Tonight I am not.. but my project is completed..this is # 7 (sorry, received some bad family news)..

Magnetic Hematite necklace and matching bracelet. 

♥ Attracts love ♥ Good luck ♥ Health ♥ Stability ♥ Strength 
♥ Perspective ♥ Mental telepathy

Magnetite is magnetic and has powerful positive-negative polarity.  It attracts and repels, energises and sedates.  It acts as a grounding stone.  Magnetite temporarily aligns the chakras, the subtle and etheric bodies.  It aids telepathy, meditation and visualisation.  Magnetite provides stability, balancing the intellect with the emotions.  It brings a balanced perspective and trust in your own intuition.  Magnetite attracts love, commitment and loyalty.  It alleviates negativity such as fear, anger and grief.  Brings positive qualities such as tenacity and endurance.
Magnetite is anti-inflammatory, relieves muscle aches and pains, and is beneficial for asthma, blood and the circulatory system, skin, and hair.  It stimulates sluggish organs and sedates overactive ones.  Magnetite provides healing energy necessary for recovery.

While I would love to give this away, I think I'm going to ask my stepfather to wear them.  He needs pretty much all of the above health wise.


  1. Love it! My very first earrings were hematite--didn't know anything about stones WAY back then! LOL............Hope things are OK with you and your family, Melissa....Blessings.

  2. Thank you sweetie! Yes, had family loss.. That and with my stepfather in the hospital.. my heart is pretty heavy tonight. Mentally I am okay, it's my heart that is sad. I will be OK. Thank you sweetie.. I've always been attracted to Hematite.. like you, before I even knew it's properties. *Big Hugs Sweetie*

  3. Your trinkets are beautiful... I hope all is well.

  4. All is well, Today is a new day. Thank you!
